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What is VoIP?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is simply the transmission of voice traffic over IP-based networks.The Internet Protocol (IP) was originally designed for data networking. The success of IP in becoming a world standard for data networking has led to its adaption to voice networking.


Why VoIP?

The number one reason to switch to VoIP  technology for telephone service is cost reduction. From that base, VoIP is able to provide some compelling features which makes switching even more attractive.for communication consumers. One interesting aspect of the technology is that, for the user, no large scale infrastructure is required. It's all about combining the functionality of the Internet and a conventional phone into one single service with minimal software and hardware support.

How does VoIP work?

VoIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol (sometimes called Internet Telephony) is touted in some circles as the technology of future. The reasoning is simple, really. VoIP is bringing possibilities to the forefront of technological thinking because the possibilities were listed as impossible just a few years ago. VoIP uses a broadband Internet connection for routing telephone calls, as opposed to conventional switching and fiberoptic alternatives. This process holds great promise in providing higher efficiency and lower cost for communication consumers. One interesting aspect of the technology is that, for the user, no large scale infrastructure is required. It's all about combining the functionality of the Internet and a conventional phone into one single service with minimal software and hardware support.


How do I Compare VoIP Providers?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is changing the way people communicate. VoIP utilizes a broadband internet connection for routing telephone calls, as opposed to conventional switching methods, providing efficient use of existing Internet connections as well as lowering overall costs. Interestingly, there is no need for any large scale infrastructures; just combine a conventional phone with a broadband Internet connection to utilize a single service with minimal software and hardware support.

VoIP service providers are touting unlimited local and long distance calling for as little as $300 per year. This provides customers with substantial annual savings. There are several VoIP providers offering VoIP service for both residential customers as well as business. However, from a customer's standpoint it is an ideal option to compare several VoIP providers in selecting the best deal.